Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm hungry. . . shouldn't you be blogging?

Okay, looking back at the date of the last post, I realize a couple of things.
1. I'm slacking on my baking responsibilities
2. I need to have less on my plate (plate as in things to do, and plate as in this white cheddar popcorn I can't put down).
3. I have no concept of time whatsoever, and should invest in a comprehensive calendar/organizational system

So what's a girl to do?
  •  First, bake up a storm-there will be this weeks regular post, a special *bonus* (read: there's a lot of extra eggs in the house) three day weekend post, and plans for the next 65-yes, you read that correctly, 65- posts. 
  • Second, prioritize-Laundry, or cupcakes? Vacuum, or blog? It's obvious from my lack of clean work shirts and 3 gained pounds that we know who's going to win this one.
  • Finally, well, nothing. I've never been good with a planner- I write a bunch of stuff down in it and never refer to it-only to find out two weeks too late that I really did make that doctors appointment, I missed three birthdays, a lunch date, and work last Thursday. 
All of this, coupled with the fact that every time people I know get hungry, they go "I could really use a cake *cough cough*" or, "When was the last time you blogged? *ahem*" gives me writers guilt. To make up for it, I give you my adventures in the kitchen this past week. Stay tuned!

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